Wonder Gathering, Kitsilano Small Neighbourhood Grant

Wonder Gathering, Kitsilano Small Neighbourhood Grant

Wonder Gathering - Kitsilano

Friday, May 24th, 7 to 9 pm. 18 years and older. Registration is required to attend (pre-gathering preparation guidelines will be sent upon registration confirmation).

Kitsilano Neighbourhood House/Community Hall

2305 West 7th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. V6K 1Y4

Exercise your social fitness and learn how to engage in high-quality connections with members of your community. Facilitated by Paula Toledo (B.Comm, MAPP), you will learn evidence-based ways to feel more connected to music, wonder, and each other.

  • Connect with others in meaningful ways

  • Practice active listening and engage in rich and uplifting conversations

  • Emotionally regulate and tolerate the uncertainty of social exchanges

  • Cultivate empathic social interactions

  • Witness others in their strengths

  • Self-expression in a psychologically safe space

  • Engage in ‘flow’ states as you connect with others’ wonders

Participants are asked to bring a musical ‘wonder’ to the gathering (a song that evokes beauty, awe, and/or mystery, that has meaning). Be prepared to share the song and why it is meaningful to you. Witness your fellow neighbour’s strengths as they tell stories surrounding their musical wonders and why it evokes such reverence.

This gathering is made possible courtesy of The Neighbourhood Small Grants (NSG) which are funded through the Vancouver Foundation, and the program is administered by Kitsilano Neighbourhood House for the West Side community. www.neighbourhoodsmallgrants.ca

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The Healing Power of Art and Nature at the Vancouver Art Gallery

The Healing Power of Art and Nature at the Vancouver Art Gallery

Join three powerful thinkers as they explore how time spent in nature and experiencing art can improve well-being. Dr. Melissa Lem, Director of PaRx—Canada’s national nature prescription program powered by the BC Parks Foundation; Dr. David Suzuki, award-winning scientist, environmentalist and broadcaster; and Paula Toledo, an artist and well-being consultant, will discuss the compelling synergy between nature, art and social connection within our communities. The panel conversation will be moderated by Sirish Rao, the Gallery’s Senior Director of Public Engagement & Learning.

This event will explore the concept of social prescribing, which enables healthcare professionals to make positive intervention in their patients’ lives by connecting them to nature or to an art experience with a prescription to visit a natural park or an art gallery. The speakers will delve into how such prescriptions can foster greater social cohesion and contribute to overall well-being for individuals, and for the planet.

  • Event is sold out.

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Virtual Music + Well-being Wonder Gathering (Pacific Standard Time)

Virtual Music + Well-being Wonder Gathering (Pacific Standard Time)

Sale Price: CA$0.00 Original Price: CA$27.00

VIRTUAL Music + Wellbeing Wonder Gathering. April 11th, 2024 5 pm to 7 pm PST.

Join Paula Toledo (B.Comm, MAPP - Master of Applied Positive Psychology) - Well-being consultant, social prescribing facilitator, and artist behind lost song “How Long (Will it Take)” featured in Rolling Stone Magazine and Tricia Fox Ransom (B.A. Music, MAPP - Master of Applied Positive Psychology), Singer-songwriter and thought leader on lyrics and well-being. Her capstone “Message in The Music: Do Lyrics Influence Well-being?” has been downloaded over 100K times across the world.

Paula and Tricia will facilitate the wonder gathering where everyone will share their musical wonder (a story behind a song that evokes mystery, wonder, awe, and beauty) and teach attendees evidence-based ways to use music to cultivate social connection and well-being.

The music + well-being wonder gathering was co-designed by Paula Toledo & Tricia Fox Ransom for the World Congress of International Positive Psychology Association in Vancouver, July 2023.

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